Cast Out into the Deep
News • January 1, 2019
Recent polls tell us that about a third of Americans identify as religiously unaffiliated or check the religion box “None.” For every one person that joins the Catholic church, seven are leaving. This mass exodus is not without repercussion. As a result of drifting away from God, the “None” has not only forgotten who God is, but has also forfeited their potential for realizing who they are in light of Christ. This identity crisis poses a great challenge for evangelizers. To respond to this crisis a new way of evangelizing is needed.
The New Evangelization
All of us here at Saint Dominic Media are focused on bringing the Catholic faith to people wherever they are. In order to maximize our efforts we’ve come up with three guiding pillars that direct all of our productions towards clever evangelization.
The Catholic faith is very beautiful and brings joy into the lives of the faithful. Beauty, made manifest by an authentic life of faith, is an indispensable part of evangelization.
We want to seek truth and goodness with our viewers. Through accompaniment, let’s us together be challenged and strive for goodness.
Christ is at the center of everything we create. As missionary disciples, we strive to guide others into a personal relationship with Jesus.
Into the Deep
We invite you to journey with us – to seek beauty, find answers to life’s big questions, and discover the richness of the Catholic faith – to cast out into the deep.